03 May 2011

Day 6: Activity

I waited the prescribed 3 days after adding the first bit of food to the composter and then checked to be sure the worms were infiltrating the food.  They had done so, so last night I added 8 oz of further food.  It was a mixture of fruit, vegetables and a used biodegradable G-Diaper insert.  The diaper was quite hard to cut up because it had dried, so I drained all the worm tea from the bottom of the composter (about 2/3 cup) and used that to moisten the diaper so it could be better broken down.

Interestingly there was also a large mass of worms that had slid down into the collection tray and had deposited a large mound of casts.  I scooped them up and put them back into the working tray.

Still looking for the camera cable!

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