04 May 2011

Day 8: Baby worms!

Tonight I added another 9oz food to the bin.  As I pulled back the paper, there were little clumps of whitish babies - about 3/4 inch long wiggling through the coir bedding.  The bigger guys were working the food from previous days.

Tonight I gave them a handful of leaves from outside, egg shells, a banana peel, flower stems, fruit and vegetable ends, and some fruit and vegetable baby food that had gone off.  As previously, I chopped it all up with my kitchen shears and mashed it all together.

I have found the camera cable, so get ready for those photos that are worth a thousand words!

1 comment:

  1. Holly, good to hear the worms are doing well. I am working on getting my six bins up to full potential. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
